Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Life {Unscripted} Blog Circle: January Volume

January is like LIFE, full of changes. Just like the changing month brings on a changing year, we too look to January and think about change. About changing ourselves, our relationships, and our bodies. We make resolution after resolution hoping to bring change, to bring growth to an area of our lives. All this change is a challenge, pushing us to adapt to something new, something different.

January for out neck of the words we saw a lot of changes, but the biggest one was our change in weather. With one day still LOVING the green grass, rain and foggy days. To suddenly waking up to more snow then almost all the towns around us. We of course jumped into the weather change enjoying the fog till the last moment, and embracing & adapting to the snow.

Here is out month {unscripted}

Foggy days

Snowy days

Don't stop here, there is still more gorgeousness from the ladies at LU, just follow the circle through.  Head on over to 


  1. Just so precious, Crystal! That face he's making with the snow, lol! I always love your perspectives, and how you always manage to have such great reflections in your images! So sweet!

  2. oh that ontario weather!! Beautiful photos of your beautiful family! And the new logo looks great!

  3. I love how you captured all the change we have been experiencing and man Lucas is way too cute!

  4. How awesome that you captured such a drastic change in weather...and you made each type of weather look like so much fun!

  5. Those faces! Oh how I adore them!
