Tuesday 28 June 2016

Life {Unscripted} Blog Circle: June Volume

Transition is the word that best fits our Unscripted June life.
We are stuck in the "in between" or the transition of school to summer.
Here in Canada we still attend school till the last week of June, even though the nights are growing lighter, and the weather is calling us outside to play, summer it is, but we still need to strap on our backpacks and head indoors.

And lets be honest, transition can be chaotic. I don't know about you but when my kids are staring out the window at summer knowing they are inside make them feel chaotic!
So what is a mother of 3 to do. Buckle down the hatches and prepare for war??? NO WAY! this Mama is getting them to the beach.

The beach is also a place in tradition. A meeting place for water and sand, the place in between the ocean and the land.
A place where you leave your physical weekday self behind, and invite your emotion side to come out. Giving your lifestyle a much needed break. A day to search your soul, and rediscover yourself. You can feel it standing in the sand,  smelling the beach air, it is soothing.
There is no better place to take the kids to unwind and show them that weekdays might put them indoors, but weekend will make up for that. Weekends will be the place for water and sand, a place in between the ocean and land.

To keep the circle going, click on the link to see the eye candy Stacey of Soul Threading has this month.


  1. seriously you know how to rock that full sun light like no one I know! Sooo good mama!!! Love these beach photos! I can't wait to spend some time with my boys on the beach as well! And now you have inspired me!

  2. So gorgeous, Crystal! The beach is such a summer tradition and you made me long for it. You just inspired a road trip to find some water!!!!

  3. WOW Crystal, this is my favorite collection from you yet! Stunning!! <3 you!

  4. Your words and images are so wonderful! These are just amazing, and I am impressed how close you got to the water!!! I need a beach. ;)

  5. I think these are definitely new favorites of mine!!! I love how peaceful they feel!
